June 14, 2011

Here comes SUMMER...

                                                                      Source: inspiring-pictures.com via Melissa on Pinterest

I heard this song the other day,
{the very BEST summer anthem of them all},
and it brought me back...
{summer circa 1999}...
School let out,
my sweet 16 and a license to drive,
a new white honda civic,
summer crushes,
cruisin Pacific Coast Highway with my besties,
WE ruled the world!

Can you believe summer is only one week away? 

Here is a list of what I look forward to MOST THIS SUMMER:

Hawaii (12 days and counting)

Weekend BBQs

Days spent at our local park's splash pad 

 Nashville for a MOPS convention with a special friend.

Birthday parties for our group of soon to be 2 year olds...

A church retreat 

 Mexico cruise with the hubby's company

Beach Days 

Watermelon, juicy peaches, and BBQ corn.

Fruity cocktails

Big brimmed sun hats, flip flops, and less is more.

Britney concert....YES PLEASE!

What are your summer plans?? 


  1. OH my!! Your summer sounds amazing!! Have a great time! This summer for us is all about soking up as much quality time as we can now that our busy season is over. :o)

  2. this is a beautiful picture!!!!!! gotta love summertime :)

  3. Wow, Your summer sounds so fun!

    I am looking forward to just having my husband available for about two weeks. This was his second year in medical school, and I would be lying if I didn't say it wasn't somewhat demanding of him.

    We are planning on a Stay-cation, and I am thrilled. So is our daughter.

  4. Can I join you this summer?? It sounds like you are going to have so much fun!

  5. love this list! mexico cruise?! yes please! i hope you link up to my summer bucket list crawl :) xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  6. love this list! mexico cruise?! yes please! i hope you link up to my summer bucket list crawl :) xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  7. love this list! mexico cruise?! yes please! i hope you link up to my summer bucket list crawl :) xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  8. OMG your summer sounds wonderful! I am so jelly!

  9. So excited you get to go to Hawaii! You are going to have such a wonderful time!

  10. hawaii AND BSpears? Sounds ahmaazing! We will be honeymooning in Sweden in TWO WEEKS and camping in the mountains :)

  11. hawaii AND BSpears? Sounds ahmaazing! We will be honeymooning in Sweden in TWO WEEKS and camping in the mountains :)

  12. Me? Well I plan on getting outside and doing anything and everything I can to enjoy each moment of this summer.

  13. Girl, I'm so ready for Summer!!! Looks, like June Gloom is gone!!!

  14. Wow, your summer looks super-fab! I want to be in your shoes! ;)

    'big brimmed hats' ..... love.
    'fruity cocktails' .... love even more.

    And BTW, it's been summer here for months. But I'm lovin' it!

  15. Your summer is looking like so much fun! Oh how I long to live near ANY beach!

    Happy Summer!

  16. dangit! why can't you come to oahu?? :( *pouts*

  17. sounds like a great, busy summer! I was just in Nashville in April for the Country Music Marathon! I love that city!

  18. Love your summer to do list!! You're going to be busy with all that travel! I am sooo jealous :) Mexico and Hawaii both sound amazing!! So does the Britney concert - sounds amazing!!!
    Star Hughes Living
