June 16, 2011

My Secret, TOLD!

via here

I have a secret that has been wanting to come out for some time.
The truth is, I am scared...
Will you judge me?
 Think of me different?
Feel sorry for me?

I originally wrote this post back in March, but haven't had the courage to PUBLISH my post.
{So thank you Ashley for giving me the courage}
Not many people know this about me, because I am a pro at masking my feelings. 

But today,
I choose to share with you, in hopes that you can better understand the person that sits behind this keyboard. This is me. raw, vulnerable, REAL.

I've struggled with painful insecurity.

That's right, me and every other girl
 {you may be saying to yourself}.

THIS is my story:
When I was in the second grade, my parents got divorced. If this isn't the biggest heart break for a child, I don't know what is. They tried to make it work (4 times) for my sister and I, but were unsuccessful.

Throughout a good majority of my adolescence, I would spend weekends with my Dad, and cry my eyes out the entire time because I missed my mom. Free time with my mom was always spent with her significant other. I was told to lie and keep things from my Dad...
This lead to a great deal of anxiety.
Anxiety about where I would be going next...
Who would be picking me up from school?
What would my friends think?
What if my Dad finds out about my Mom's {NEW} guy?
As a result, I started biting my nails and getting HORID cold sores from STRESS.
AT 7 years old!!

I remember having a panic attack on the way to school one day. I could not breath and wasn't sure I would live to see my 9th birthday. My mom told me I was over reacting.

My past caught up to me in high school.
 I was painfully shy.
I had my group of friends, but never ventured outside of that.
I would know the answer in class, but was to afraid to raise my hand.
I didn't have enough confidence to try out for dance (my dream), even though it was always natural to me.
Eating became an issue. I have always been a small girl, but I was CONVINCED I was fat. I would NOT be seen in a bathing suit.
I remember being JEALOUS of my best friend because she had the perfect family, perfect house, perfect life. Why couldn't I have all that?
My parents would buy me things because they felt guilty.

Going to an all girls school helped me hide behind my mask. I didn't have to compete for a guys attention. In fact, I didn't have to deal with the opposite sex PERIOD! I wore a uniform so I didn't have to dress to impress.

In college, there were days (more often then not), that I would drive all the way to class and not have the COURAGE to get out of my car. I felt UGLY. FAT. GROSS. AWKWARD. I failed an ENTIRE year of school because I was too insecure to go to class.

My first LOVE came around my junior year of college. Sure I had dated before, but this time I gave my heart away.
For the first time in my life, someone told me I was beautiful and smart and took notice in me.
Unfortunately, I was vulnerable, weak, destructive...
{recipe for disaster}
I was looking for LOVE in all the wrong places.
It took me to hit rock bottom before I realized I needed HELP! 

I am sure you are waiting for some sort of recovery story, but that I haven't quite mastered.
What I can tell you is that I am a constant work in progress.
I have learned to take it one day at a time.
I still have days where I feel less confident than others.
Days where I'd like to call in sick.

Sara Driscoll Photography

What I can tell you, 
is my family of 3, has been the best medicine of them all. Waking up next to my best friend everyday and getting kisses from my baby girl, is all I've ever wanted in this life. Chris is SO supportive and understands my need for CONSTANT encouragement. The day I became a momma, most of this INSECURITY went out the window. Truly the best gift I could ever ask for.

I strive to be more bold in my choices.
To shrug things off.
NOT CARE what others think.
Not take MYSELF or life too seriously...

Why did I reveal such a secret from my life?
Because this blog is ME.
I don't want to hide anymore.
I want you to know where I come from.

So many blogs paint a picture of "Perfection",
and we love them for it.
That's not me though.
My life isn't an orderly home, 5 course meal every night, and perfectly well behaved children.
In my life, the puzzle pieces don't always fit perfectly.
Yet, somehow, we manage.

This blog has been such a blessing for me. It has allowed me to reveal more of myself to you in hopes of helping just one person going through a similar circumstance. Revealing such an intimate part of my life is THERAPY for me.  I like to believe I am an open book. My story is my gift to you! THAT is why I do this!


  1. Thanks for sharing so much of YOU with all of us! I love love love you blog!

    THANKS for being you!

  2. Thanks for being real and open. It's hard, but in reality everyone has "crap" in their life. Super glad that I found your blog.

  3. Girl it only makes me have more respect and love for you! I went through a very similar upbringing so I can relate to you SO much! I am so glad you have a wonderful supportive husband and such a sweet little family! It is amazing what wounds that can heal.

    Hugs my sweet friend!

  4. Thank you for sharing this and being so open and honest. IT breaks my heart for all the pain you had to go through and makes me cry for my niece and nephew (who I am very close to) who are entering this world of divorce themselves.
    It is encouraging to see that you are not crushed, you are fighting for the truth that you are worth more than what you have believed. You are not alone in this, we all feel like we are "too much, or not enough" and it does paralyze us..but we fight for the truth!
    Thanks for the reminder!

  5. It takes a lot of courage to be real and honest and publish a post like this, thank you for sharing with all of us. We love you!

  6. Thank you for sharing such a personal part of your life! Your blog is one of my favorites because you always seem so real. Someone I respect a lot once told me that until you make yourself vulnerable by being completely yourself its impossible to really connect with other people. Its such a hard thing to do but I have so much respect for people who do that. And I keep working on being able to do more of it myself.

  7. OH wow. I can totally relate. Same deal: parents divorced, anxiety attacks and shyness. Being shy totally sucked. I hated it. Spent every waking moment with friends and their 'normal'families.

    I think everyone is a work in progress annnnnnnnnd look at how far you have come! You deserve the many blessings that have come your way. You are beautiful. Your blog rocks. And I'm glad you are real. I don't read blogs that are sugar-coated. No ma'am.

    Can I tell ya a secret? We have a cooler of beer {from last weekend's beach trip} sitting in our living room. Why is it still there? Because it's serving as a toddler barrier - it keeps Eva away from the back door. OH and it provides sofa-side service to her parents.


  8. oh lindsay, i want to give you a big, big hug! you are so special! and God loves you SO much! there is nothing YOU need to do to feel better about yourself, except to trust that God has it all under control. i'm so happy he's given you a wonderful family to love you, and so many friends to admire you. i dream of the day i get to hug you for reals!! -em

  9. Bless your heart, you are so brave and honest to do this. I think you might be surprised to know how many of your fellow bloggers have struggles too, similar to what you are talking about. You have a lovely blog and a beautiful family. I like that you and your blog are 'real'. xo

  10. Very brave and beautifully written! There is no doubt you've helped someone through this post. Way to keep it real girl!

  11. this was amazing! thanks for sharing (:

  12. Lindsay I can realate to your story. Divorce is just the worst. My mom had an affair in our hometown while I was in high school and would go on dates where my friends worked...I was sad disgusted and went through similar struggles and fought some pretty tough battles with myself as well. Thank you so much for sharing your story..maybe one day I will be brave enough!

  13. you are bea.utiful. adore you and this post

  14. You are an amazing woman, strong, beautiful, kind, loving, sweet, talented, genuine and all around pretty awesome person. Your ability to be so open is why we all adore you so much!! Love ya, girl!!!

  15. Thank you so much for sharing this. You may not have thought so but so many other women(myself included!) can relate to this too. Sending lot of love to you for having the courage to post this. ♥♥

  16. Lindsay I love everything about this post. Thank you SO much for sharing your story! Heart you!!!

  17. Great post! Thank you for sharing this "raw" side of you. It's refreshing to hear other peoples honest, true, experiences and feelings instead of the candy coated world that blogging can sometimes be! :)

    Have a great weekend! :)

  18. You have had a lot to overcome. You are brave to share. Lots of hugs to you!!

  19. I absolutely love your honesty! You are brave and kind and inspiring and I adore your writing style and your blog!

  20. I understand insecurity. I have also delt with it. What you wrote was beautiful. I read So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore. It literally changed my life for the better. I am much more secure and it is wonderful. You should look into it if you have not.

  21. Aren't you just a breath of fresh air! Thanks for sharing, love!
    I'm following you now.


  22. Your post is so endearing. Life isn't fair for so many kids. My story is similar to yours, I give you huge kudos for having the courage to tell it. A loving husband and precious daughter is a huge gift which absolutely makes life more fulfilling. Keep on getting up every day with hope in your heart and try as hard as you can. Love reading your blog, thanks for sharing. I'll think about this all day.

  23. Thank you so much for sharing your story.
    My parents divorced when I was 15 and it was an incredibly difficult time, with both my younger sister and I being used as pawns. Maybe I'll tell my story, maybe I won't, but just by you posting this it's given me the knowledge that I'm okay.
    And I so agree; my little family of three is the very best medicine. :)

  24. Ohhhh Lindz, you and your crazy life you live!!! I love you dearly and always praying for you my friend!! Miss you much and cannot wait to see you sometime soon!

  25. um, hello i am late to this parade, but i love you and your honesty. i love that there is no recovery story, that every day is a battle and a struggle, because that is how most REAL stories go on. The pain never ends. You just learn to cope with it. Thank you again girly :)

  26. You told your story so beautiful and thank you so much for sharing. I so much share some of the same anxiety issues too and can honestly say life is so challenging sometimes. I have yet to be blessed with someone like your husband or sweet baby girl to aide in my insecurities, but your story gives me hope that someday hopefully soon I'll be able to find Mr Right instead of Mr Right now and start a family of my own that will help me become more confident in myself.

  27. wow thanks for sharing and opening up...I love what you said at the end that "this is ME" . Just how God made you, no hiding. I was blessed by your story and will carry it with me today as I meditate on my own insecurities with the Lord. Love to you friend!!!

  28. Thanks for sharing this! Thanks for being REAL!!
    PS: You are BEAUTIFUL!
    (Popping over from the wiegands!)

  29. Lindsay, my darling beautiful friend. This post broke my heart a little. I am so glad you decided to share it with us. I'm sorry you had some rough times in your childhood. It's amazing how much we carry those things into our adulthood. I just want you to know that you are beautiful, your talented, your creative, your a wonderful mother and wife and I am so proud to call you my friend. And it's amazing how wonderful children are for the soul. I have similarly found that my children have healed many old wounds. Blessings to you and your beautiful family.

    xoxo Hanna

  30. Thank you! Thank you for being so honest. Truth is those blogs that paint a picture of perfection most times are all a farce. No one's life is perfect and honestly it takes a STRONGER, more CONFIDENT & ASSURED woman to be able to be this honest! I'm proud of you - you may have it more together than many of us and not even realize it! You're not hiding from your struggles at all - you're facing them head on & you should be so proud! Your daughter will see that strength in your & she'll learn & grow from your example!

  31. You are so flippin amazing girly, thanks for sharing, and for all of your honesty. You have such a beautiful family, and so many wonderful talents:)

  32. Bless your heart for sharing such a painful story. My ex and I divorced when our daughter was 5. She also suffers from insecurity that I attribute to our divorce although we certainly tried to be amicable. (She's 30 now.) Stay strong.

  33. thanks for sharing your heart.

  34. Thank you so much Lindsay for being so courageous and sharing such a personal secret with us. My parents are still together after 33 years but I completely understand dealing with intense anxiety and insecurity. Thankfully I'm learning how to be comfortable with who I am and embrace my uniqueness rather than try to hide it. So, thank you for being brave, honest, and inspiring. You're beautiful and strong and I appreciate your openness.

  35. I didn't have the same painful childhood but struggled with significant insecurities as well. Having children, particularly a daughter, has helped me tremendously. Thanks for sharing.

  36. wow Lindsay, I know exactly what you are feeling. My Father died when I was 8 {cancer} and I had to immediately step up and become the responsible one to my younger sister and brother. My childhood was rough as well but I believe it molds us into the beautiful people we are today. It makes us stronger, sympathetic, and great Mommies because we don't want our children to have to go through the same struggles.

    Anyway, I'm here if you want to talk :) Thank you for being honest. I love getting to know the REAL person behind the blog. That's also why I started the "who am I really" on mine.

    Just remember you are beautiful, and talented, and from what I can see, you are an amazing momma! Thanks for keepin' it real! xoxo

  37. hey Lindsay! i'm just sitting here on the puter bored and i was thinking of you :) thanks for being so sweet to me and for being such a great bloggy friend! xoxo

  38. Wow. Sharing your heart has to be tough. Thank you for being real. Thank you for being transparent. You have an amazing blog and talent with quite the following. I'd say you're right where you need to be, girl! Keep it up! :-)

  39. Lindsay - thank you for sharing this post with us. My parents also divorced when I was young and I grew up bouncing around between homes and hating my visits to my father because he lived in terrible conditions. This Father's Day has been difficult for me because we're no longer speaking. Anyway, enough about me, thank you for sharing & being brave.

  40. I have so much appreciation for bloggers who are real. Thank you for sharing your "secret" with us. We can all relate in some way. Keep growing and discovering the beauty you have to share with the world!

  41. Thank you for sharing!

    I have been on a similar journey recently of self reflection and seeing if I was becoming who I wanted to be and to check to see if I was being the real me. I had to take a hard look at myself and those around me and see what others were seeing in me. I have learned a lot!

    Sometimes I stop myself before posting because I worry about what others think, so THANK YOU for helping me to remember that I started it for me.

  42. Thank you for this post. I am going through a rough patch of insecurity lately, and it is hard to deal with. Reading this genuine and honest post helped me feel like I am not alone, and that there is hope. Some days are worse than others for me, and because of reading this, today is going to be a good day.

  43. You and I are a set of the new generation of adults who will probably never get divorced because of the broken homes and abandonment we suffered as children.

    We all have two chances at a positive parent/child relationship. I am glad you are taking charge of your 2nd chance and making it count!

    A lot of us have this "secret". It's a really painful one.

    Peace to you.
