June 21, 2011

Dearest Landyn,

Landyn Noella, 

Words will never be able to describe how special you are to me. 
As challenging as you have been lately,
I would not trade any of this for a minute.
You have changed your Mommy and Daddy's life in more ways than you could ever imagine. 
You have become mommy's little sidekick,
 my best friend. 
As long as you are by my side, you are happy. 
Your larger than life personality is made known when you step into a room.
You prefer playing with all the boys, and that is fine by me.
 Watching you grow and develop into your own little person is amazing.
 You have momma's fair skin and daddy's ringlet curls, and THAT makes me weak at the knees.
The LOVE you have for your Mimi and Pop Pops, melts my heart. 
You LOVE all things WATER.
Trying on shoes and playing with momma's jewelry is your favorite pastime. 
Your best friend is Elmo.
 ABCs and Ring around the Rosie's are your favorite songs...
you like singing them over and over and over again.
5 little monkey's is a nightly MUST.
You ADORE babies and want to be near them every chance you can.
Mac and Cheese, Nuggets, and Grilled Cheese are your staples.
Staying home with you every single day is the best job I could ever ask for.

I can't wait to see what the future holds for you L. 
I promise to hold your hand the entire way. 



  1. so sweet! aren't they the biggest blessings ever!? love that pic too!

  2. Love this. So sweet. It's crazy how much oils and landyn have in common. :) :)

  3. This is something she will cherish, adore that pict!!

  4. oh i love this post. Landyn and Brooke sound very similar :)

  5. LOVE this! Something she and you will cherish forever!

  6. Such a sweet post Lindsay. Landyn is so precious!

  7. {Tear} You are such a sweet mom and Landyn will love to read this one day!

  8. So sweet!

    Love the pic! Is that an apron you are wearing? Need to know cuz it's beyond cute. :)

  9. That is a super sweet photo of the two of you. How old is she? Is it genetic or what that all little girls love their mom's shoes and jewelry? My little girl is better in heels than me!

  10. oh so precious! and what a beautiful picture as well :)

  11. nButiful Lindsay! I love the photo of you two also

  12. That is the sweetest letter ever to your baby girl... you should frame it and place in her room... at 16 she will need this!! hugs dear!! ((stop by often, but i never leave a post)

  13. Such a beautiful letter to your daughter. I have tears down my cheek. You are special.
