May 8, 2011

When your birthday and Mother's Day fall on the same weekend...

When your Birthday and Mother's Day fall on the same weekend...
And let me tell you, I did.

Yes, my day of my choice always involves the beach.
{more on that in another post}

Want to know what made this weekend the MOST special?
{yes she still rocks a bandage on her forehead}

Landyn was dedicated to Jesus today.
It was a commitment from Chris and I {as parents} to raise our daughter to love and know Jesus.
My heart is full to have the love and support from my immediate family, 
as well as my church family, 
walking this path with us.

Truly the best gift a momma could ever receive. 

Miss L's life verse 

Pastor Shawn praying for us

Yes, Elmo came along!

Then, we celebrated with family!

How was your weekend my friends?


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! We have yet to do this... such an amazing thing to do for Landyn.

    Ooh and it was your birthday? Happy birthday and mother's day! :)

  2. Aww what a special day it must have been to get your daughter dedicated...congrats!
    My day always involves the beach too! That's what we did as well :)

    Delighted Momma

  3. What a special day for your family. Blessings!


  4. Yay! What a great weekend for you guys!! I love the pic of you two on the beach!

  5. Happy Birthday mama. I'm a Taurus too:) my birthday is the 19:) looks like a beautiful weekend. I love the beach!!!

  6. what a special day for you as a momma! i love the last picture of your family!

  7. I love these pictures. What a special day for Landyn and your entire family! :)

    Happy birthday and Mothers Day (belated) :)

    Have a great week! :)

  8. What a perfect weekend!! The picture up on the screen of Landyn is awesome!!

  9. Yay!!!! So happy for you and your family. What a great weekend!! :)

  10. Yay!!!! So happy for you and your family. What a great weekend!! :)

  11. That is just awesome! Congrats & Happy Birthday & Happy Mother's day!

  12. Wow, that was a jam packed weekend! Mother's day, birthday, and dedication. Sounds like an awesome few days.

    I remember dedicated our little girl and the blessing it was and support system. A very special experience.

    Btw your little girl is so precious and cute!

  13. Congratulations girl! That is so awesome! What a special weekend!
