April 10, 2011

What I Wore...

With the encouragement of some FRIENDS, I have begun participating in the 
WHAT I WORE series!

Not only has it introduced me to NEW BLOGGY friends,
{Which makes me SO happy}
But it has pushed me outside my comfort zone.
You know, outside of wearing jeans and flip flops every day...
(because I WOULD if I COULD).

My hubby has unwillingly become MY professional photographer
and my neighbors probably think I am a "wannabe" aspiring model...
I am OK with THAT!
 I feel GOOD!
YOU ALL give me a reason to express my LOVE for fashion.
I've learned that style involves looking outside of the box
the price tag DOES NOT have to be from Neimans.
But if it IS, YOU GO GIRL!

{please excuse the terrible stripe shadows in my hair}

So now you know...
And I encourage you all to join in on the fun!
The Pleated Poppy does HER famous What I Wore Wednesday
and my real life buddy Momma Go Round does What Momma's Wearing on Monday's.

blouse: Katwalk, Belt: Forever 21, Pants: True Religion, Heels: Mossimo for Target, Watch: Michael Kors

See the cute blouse I'm wearing? 
it comes from Katwalk, chic fashion at affordable prices.
1. It goes with EVERYTHING because it is my favorite of ALL neutrals, WHITE.
2. It fits great and HIDES a lot. 
3. It screams to be accessorized, hence the belt.
4. Its light and airy for a Spring or Summer's Day.
5. Pair it with jeans, leggings, tights, etc.

And to ENCOURAGE you all to follow your inner FASHION, Katwalk is offering 20% off your ENTIRE purchase with code LEELALA at check out. 
offer valid until 4-17

Some things I am LOVING:

Stop by and say hello:
Face book

Comment #2 Erin of Erin's Elements!!!
Email me at Lindslee00@gmail.com


  1. You look beautiful!! I have been considering doing this for a while too. A lot to get me out of my box and make me mix and match with a bit of accountability. =)
    Hugs friend!

  2. LindsaY! You look darling! I am DYING to do fashipon posts!!! I just love them but I seriously can't until I loose at least another 30 pounds:( Honestly, you should see me these days. Its so sad. I can't fit in ANY normal clothes so everyday I waer maternity leggings with holes in them and huge t-shirts! Honestly it's really embarrassing. I saw and old friend at the grocery the other day and I wanted crawl in a hole! Ughhhhh.....Sorry for rambling. I had a bad day! Can ya tell?
    But you my darling friend look gorgeous!! ANd I love that dress you posted. I'm going to shop now! I might need a little more inspiration to loose the weight with a new dress:) Wink!!

  3. Oh also I wanted to tell you that I was researching getting a remote for my camera and they are really cheap. That way you can either balance the camera somewhere and take photos of yourslef or just invest in a tripod and VOILA you can be your own photographer. I'm totally getting on because my husband hates takin gphotos of me. He can't put up with all my ridiculous demands:) Sorry for all the ridiculous long comments:)

  4. Very cute outfit! You look beautiful!

  5. oh i LOVE that top! you don't have anything that needs hiding either silly momma! you are beautiful!

  6. hey, a personal photographer of your very own? Who could NOT want that? ;)

  7. Darling girlie!!! Does Katwalk have a website to order from?

  8. you look so cute chick! love the belt:)

  9. ooo..Loving that top. Great discount, too. Thanks! I'm a new follower over from Momma Go Round. ;)

  10. I like the outfit, Lindsay!:D

    Crisp, clean, and casual!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  11. Lindsay, You are just cute as pie. Love the clothes.

  12. Oh yes, I've always wanted to do this.

  13. LOVE that look!

    I so love it when i see belts on everyone...I just need to try it!

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. Cute outfits and LOL at the neighbors. My advice ~ work it! Have a fab week.

  15. Gorgeous outfit! You're lookin good, mama!!!

    I've thought about joining in on the what I wore posts, simply to force me to dress up a bit. I'm in jeans and a tee every day.

  16. Ill be checking out Katwalk :)

    Great outfit!

  17. I think I need to check out Katwalk. And ride the belt bandwagon more often. I just love the outfit!

  18. aww, you are so pretty! great outfit. annnd... i love what you love! great picks. <3 EverRubyGirl.blogspot.com
