April 28, 2011

Sacrifices made in the Mommy Hood

Motherhood goes down in my books as the greatest gift of them all. 
But with gifts, 
comes sacrifice.

{the Webster's definition}
Sacrifice: to surrender or give up.

We've ALL made a sacrifice,
at some point in our lives.
But for me,
I hadn't begun to fathom the word "sacrifice",
until I became a Momma.

Sure, Motherhood came naturally to me,
but it DEFINITELY was NOT what I had expected. 
could have prepared me for the ride I was about to embark on.
{not even the What to Expect series}

Aside from the 9 months of no relief from nausea,
the up all nights,
loss of SELF,
{to name a few things}
having a baby ROCKED MY WORLD!

So without further adieu, I present to you,
MY sacrifices in becoming a MOMMA...

So long beloved VW Jetta

Hello Mommy TANK


Girl time becomes...

Mommy/Baby Park dates.
chit chatting with one ear,
while listening to screaming toddlers in the other


Relaxing Beach Days

are no longer relaxing


 Forever 21 short shorts to 
J Crew capris


Rocking out to my favorite tunes in the Car
Elmo's World on the DVD player


Shopping for myself
{more times than none}
turns into shopping for Landyn.


Savvy Career women
is now
a domestic stay at home work in process


Eating meant sitting down and enjoying a meal
Eating now is a power bar on the run.

What sacrifices have you made in the name of Mommy hood??


  1. AMEN!
    Flat(ish) stomach is now saggy bag of stretch marks.

  2. none yet as I'm not a mom... BUT I'm sure I'll be doing all of those!

    Ps.. I'm sure you look super cute in J.Crew capris ;)

  3. Me time is definitely non existent! I recently took all 3 of mine to try to find an outfit for myself for our upcoming family pics. hmmm it was interesting. =)
    Hugs girl, have a great weekend!!

  4. all of this and MORE! no more leisurely walking through walmart or target. all meals have to be prefaced with "what will brooke eat?" naps are IMPORTANT!

  5. I still have 3.5 months 'til our baby is born but I have 2 toddler nephews and have seen what it will be like! haha What are your tips for cute, easy, kid friendly outfits?

  6. Love this pot girl! It is so true! I need to write a post like this... I will do some thinking!

  7. Ha, this made me laugh, so true!

  8. This is such a great post! I miss long dinners out with the hubby! Those have been replaced with overcrowded kid-friendly restaurants and eating cold food because I'm trying to make sure the kids eat theirs first! Oh well, it will all pass to soon I know. :)

  9. You said it girl! This is all so true! La la la la, la la la la--elmo's world...burned into my brain.

  10. so true... With 2 toddlers and another on the way, I'd like to add...

    Me time = when I'm @ the office (what kind of me time is that?!)

    Weekends = shopping for groceries and the children's things

    Dining out = child friendly restaurants and be sure to expect food on the table and on the floor more than going into their mouths (everyone wants to eat by themselves)

    just to name a few...

    But still, being a mommy is the best thing, isn't it?
