April 18, 2011

I don't do the Easter Bunny!

Call me bah humbug,
but I don't do the Easter Bunny. 
I never have. 
Growing up, my mom never failed to have a basket of plastic eggs, plastic grass, and florescent yellow peeps. The "traditional" get up...
 I've just never been "into it".

Something about the Easter Bunny FREAKS me out!
Sitting on his lap for a handful of jelly beans? I think I'll pass. 

I know, I know, HE is an Easter tradition, 
along with Santa Claus {which I am all about}.

For Landyn's sake,
I will fancy the tradition, 
but taking photos with him,
I think we will pass. 

Does THIS make me a horrible Momma?

scary right?

Do you still want to be my friend?


  1. Yes I do!

    I was debating on taking my little man to have his picture taken with an Easter Bunny at a couple different places... but they all seemed so creepy! Why would I do that to my baby boy? He will get his visit from Easter bunny but no pics with him (this year at least)!

  2. hahaha you just gave me the perfect blog post! I'm gonna get to work on it and I'll link back to you!

    p.s. i feel the SAME way!

  3. your friend... OF COURSE!

    The Easter Bunny is creepy looking. I don't know why, but s/he is. Why can't the Easter Bunny be like leprechauns on St Patty's Day, you never really see them, but you know they are there

  4. We don't really do the Easter Bunny either. I make baskets. We do the eggs. Pretty much everything, but our boys are going to know who purchased the stuff. We actually do the same thing for Santa. We have several reasons, but we don't talk about it because it is a personal choice and many people I know think that we are making a bad decision by our children by keeping the main thing the main thing in this holidays . . . God.

  5. haha I'm not so much into the bunny either- probably because I grew up in Sweden where they do not celebrate Easter like Americans do! We do an easter egg hunt with jasper, but no bunny visit here either!

  6. I'm with you, Lindsay. Pretty scary. I like the candy though, but not peeps. I like dark chocolate marshmallow bunnies or eggs.
    take care,

  7. Oh wow an Easter Bunny that you can sit on like Santa - we don't have any of that here in Australia and we love our easter eggs and all that tradition. The only easter bunnies here are little white fluffy ones and you wouldn't want to sit on it!! How funny - I didn't know that you guys did that! Must say by the look of those easter bunnies don't think I will be joining the queue either! Leanne xx

  8. we don't do the easter bunny either...mainly b/c easter is not at all about bunnies...but also b/c human rabbits are creepy.

    stuff and nonsense

  9. Those easter bunnies are pretty creepy! We always did easter bunny stuff, but we never had our pictures taken with one. I'm not super crazy about it.

  10. I agree, the Easter Bunny is SCARY! I've never ever ever seen an Easter Bunny that didn't look strange and frightening! We have a picture of the one and only time we took Manuel to see the Easter Bunny (at a local farm) and he is FREAKING OUT! Big time! I will NEVER push the Easter Bunny on my children! :) Santa? Yes. The Easter Bunny? NO! :)

  11. I do tell them that the Easter Bunny brings them gifts and that's who their baskets are from, but my comment was more in regards to sitting on his lap and getting pictures with him. Just to clarify! :)

  12. I think the Easter Bunny is freaky!!! I don't blame you one bit!!!

  13. I always have loved Easter...chocolate in the shape of bunnies and Peeps! :) But, I will say, you tell a compelling story supported by some very creepy bunnies! Maybe you should just stick to the egg-hunt ;)

    xx Cat brideblu

  14. I do the Easter baskets, but not the Bunny! We've never taken our kids to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap, but then I don't remember ever sitting on his lap myself as a child either. And seeing those pics reaffirms my decision!!!

  15. So funny! Your Easter Bunnies were evil looking! Love it!

  16. Same here, not really into the bunny..

    ***** Marie *****

  17. I don't see any reason why I would want my kids to "visit" the Easter bunny. I don't think it's really a thing around here (at least not among my friends). So don't feel bad at all. That IS creepy!

  18. guess what? we do the same...only the characters at Disneyworld are OK to me...the rest ARE CREEPY! My kids aren't into it either, they don't really eat candy. They usually get a small gift like a book, dvd or cd though! I'd rather do an outdoor photo shoot than stand in line for some funky bunny.

  19. I'm not into the Easter Bunny either. I totally don't blame you for not getting into that. Besides the fact that it isn't the reason for the season, =) I still love ya!! ;)

  20. When I was little, I was terrified of the Easter Bunny coming into my room! I was excited for the basket, but the bunny- No way! So, I haven't taken my daughter to see the Easter Bunny yet.. And I probably won't until she asks me. That is IF she asks me!!
