April 20, 2011

I spy: Around the Home

I am playing the I SPY game with Little Miss Momma. 
This week's topic...

I Spy: Around the Home

Welcome to MY home...

my beloved BED
{details coming soon}

my desk where I do my blogging
{I realize the cords are a TOTAL baby hazard, I'm working on it}

Where Miss L gets ALL her beauty rest

One of the MANY messes left behind by Miss L

MY coat closet, I mean MESS!

Lunch still sitting out at 5pm

My reminder for my LOVE for the sea

My handy dandy photo coasters 

my favorite picture wall

Cross collection


LOVE this phone!

YES, please!

Bathed Baby ready for BED! 

Thanks for visiting!

Stop by Little Miss Momma and show us YOUR cribs!


  1. Love your pretty bedroom and desk area! And of course Miss L takes the cake with her cuteness.
    Hugs girly!

  2. Adorable baby girl and the messes? Well, they just come with the territory!

  3. SO pretty! i especially love the headboard in your room! can't wait to hear more!

  4. There are so many things I love. I love your cross wall and collection; I am making a mental note to copy that. I adore the phone. I have been eyeing one like it at Target for awhile now. Then there's the coasters and your desk and well, EVERYTHING!!!

  5. Your house is so beautiful. I love your bed. Can't wait for the details on that. And you're little girl is just adorable. How blessed!

  6. Oh I love this! I want to see more of Landyn's room! And my house is ALWAYS filled with messes from Brooke ;(

  7. Perfection! I love the photos, coasters, and the thing above L's bed!

  8. Very nice! My house is way too much of a disaster to show photos of! seriously!

  9. OK LOVE your bed... second... i have a picture wall thats almost identical to yours... we both collect wine corks... you has lunch out at 5 hahaha (done it so many times) dont think this is silly but I told my hubby not long ago that I think we are sisters from another mister hahahaha (made myself laugh) like brothers from another mother!!!!!

  10. oh and ps i have a HUGE cross collection....

  11. the shoes only come in that color... but they were such a great deal!

  12. I'm a newer follower of yours! Your home is SO cute and I love your picture wall!! :)

  13. So cute girly! Love your fun bedroom, and of course. Lil miss! What a doll

  14. I'm in LOVE with the yellow ruffle pillow on your bed! So cute!!!

  15. Thanks for giving us a little peak into your home!! Your daughter is just the cutest!

  16. Love this....Your home is adorable!

  17. I knew there was a reason I loved you--well there are many reasons, but your awesome sense of style is another to add to the list. Your bed makes me giddy with excitement--seriously I want it now!!!! you need to come to my house some time and help me out, I mean it :)

  18. Very nice...love real photos! My favorite has got to be the cross wall...I have one as well as and I love it!

    Lucky 7 Design

  19. I love your bed! The colors, textures, style... it all goes so well together!! Can't wait to see more :)
