March 2, 2011

Lost in a Book

Landyn LOVES books. Books seem to be the only thing that can grab her attention for more than a minute. 
This momma is OK with THAT!
Every night after her bath, Landyn and I read her book of choice. That usually means THE SAME book 7 times each night, 
This Momma is OK with THAT!

Landyn's personalized blankie from my sponsor Blanket My Baby, has been close by during story time! It may be her new blanket of choice.
Go check out their site. They have every kind of blanket for ALL occasions. 


  1. Awww, such a sweet girl! Hope our girls' love for books continues for many years to come! Happy Wednesday!

  2. lilly is a book girl too and that makes this teacher momma HAPPY! love the bookmark too! :) Wouldn't that be a great print to hang over a chair in a reading nook?!

  3. Awww Nothing beats the love of a good book:)

  4. I love reading time...It's such a great way to bond.

  5. Thats awesome that she is loving reading! What a great bedtime routine! :)

  6. You are a great momma. I sometimes go nut reading the same book over and over and over. Right now it's a Hide and Seek Near and Far Elmo/Grover book-- kind of like a Where's Waldo for kids.

    I love that blanket!

  7. Such sweet pictures!!!!

    And I love the saying on that bookmark - so true!!!

  8. What a cutie. I wish the dude would chill for a minute so we could read to him more! I usually read to him as he's running around. HAHA

  9. she is such a doll! and what an adorable blanket! reading time is our fav too!

  10. She is such a little cutie Lindsay! Story time is the best time!
    Hugs girl!

    oh and I love the wreath link idea. I'll let you know as soon as I have mine ready! =)

  11. How completely precious is this!

  12. How precious I can't wait til Ariel wants to get lost in a book. Although she loves when I read to her now :)

  13. Such a sweet little ready. LMM has lead me to your blog, what a treat!

  14. She is so adorable! Yay for reading! My son loves to read, we have tons of books at home, and about once a week I take him to the bookstore where we read for a couple hours. And I always buy another one for our collection :)

  15. I'm an avid reader and hope that my unborn baby-boy will love books as well someday.

  16. That's so great that she's already a reader, and that bookmark is SO cute!
