March 16, 2011

Guest Blogger: Jenni of Story of my Life

I am so excited to introduce you to my first ever GUEST BLOGGER!

Meet Jenni of Story of my Life...
Jenni has one of those blogs that I stock on a daily basis,  
she is super model GORGEOUS (the girl CAN NOT take a bad picture),
AND has talent radiating from her!
I want to be her friend in real life...

Hello friends of Lee La La!  What an honor it is to come and chat with you today!  I’m Jenni, a writer/blogger and housewife for the time being, and enjoying every minute I spend making and keeping my home beautiful!

After our wedding a year ago, my husband and I moved into our first house together and basically gutted the whole thing.  After a costly renovation, we had to pinch pennies a little when it came to décor choices.  Often, pinching pennies was synonymous with DIY.  And today I want to tell you about my favorite DIY project to date!

I’ve always loved framed botanical art, but those babies can get super pricey.  When we were working on decorating our dining room, I became determined to find an inexpensive set of botanical art – that I actually liked – but, alas: it seemed such a set did not exist in the price range I needed to stay within.

So I took matters into my own hands, and you can too!

Here’s what I did:

1.      Scoured some antique stores for old books of botanical drawings.  I looked for one with pages I could fit (or cut to fit) with an 8x10 mat, and I found one that was nearly perfect.

2.     Tore off the backing and chose my favorite twelve drawings to be framed (choose your quantity based on your wallspace)

3.     Bought twelve 11x13 frames  and mats on sale (the mats are 11x13 in size, but fit an 8x10 picture).  Keywords: ON SALE!  You won’t save much unless you get a really good deal on the frames and mats.

4.     Taped the pages to the white sheet of paper that came with each frame, then taped that sheet to each mat.

5.     Framed each mat and had husband hang them in two straight rows (it would have been a disaster if I had tried to do the hanging myself!)

I hope you’ll try this fun and fully customized project – and don’t be scared off by the hunt for the perfect book of prints!  I guarantee you you’ll have a great time and find some other treasures in the process.  Now go and seize the DIY!! 


THANK YOU for this awesome tutorial Jenni!

You can visit her fabulousness here
via twitter here
face book here 

Don't forget to enter the 2 fabulous giveaways going on now!


  1. What a lovely post...
    I'd really like to try doing it someday.

    I'll go visit Jenni's blog now!

  2. Ooh that is REALLY pretty. What a great idea. . .

    Going to check out her blog now! Oh, and she truly is gorgeous!

  3. What a fun idea! Jenni is so adorable! Love her blog!

  4. I really love this...Her wall turned out fabulous!! Hugs my friend. Call me = ))

  5. I suuppperrr love the final look!!

  6. Great idea and so beautiful - simple and really love. That Jenni girl sure is awesome. (o;

  7. Love it!!
    Great idea!
    Thanks for sharing!!

  8. OMG!!! THIS IS A FABULOUS DIY!!!! Jenni did such a great job. Looks great! <3

  9. THANK YOU LINDSAY!! You're a doll. Have a great day lady. :)

  10. love that! thanks girl! and now i am adding her blog to my list... love

  11. Jenni is awesome!! I love this DIY :D

  12. So cute!! I love checking out antique stores when I get the chance. I just did a post on some frames I found at an antique mall for under 5 dollars total. If you search you can find GREAT deals.. Love this DIY!

  13. Love her DIY project! Turned out STUNNING!!!


  14. You are such a creative girl Jenni ;)! I will try when I start to fully decorate our house :)

  15. LOVE them!! They look gorgeous on your wall!

  16. What an awesome project! Beautiful results!

  17. How fun! I love Jenni (: What a great project.

  18. I really enjoyed this guest post! Thanks Lindsay and Jenni! Thanks for the gorgeous tutorial and thanks for introducing me to Jenni's blog! I'm on my way over there to follow:)

  19. Jenni reminds me of Angelina Jolie.
    from sara

  20. Loved having Jenni over here - she's the bee's knees! I'm a new follower of your blog now :) Can't wait to keep reading!

