March 15, 2011

Am I in over my head?

Lately I've stopped to think...

Why do I do this whole "blogging" thing? 
Is this REALLY my passion
or am I in this for ALL the wrong reasons?
Am I being me?
Do I care too much what other people think?
Am I in over my head?
Does this take too much time away from my family?
has THIS blog consumed me?

And then I go back and see how far I've come....

My first blog post where my intention was to strictly keep in touch with family and friends.
The friends I've made clear across the country that I would never have known otherwise.
And the ones up the street that I probably wouldn't have known either.
The inspiration that amazes me each day...
The emails, kind words, and smiles you all give me each and every time I sign on!

THAT is why I do THIS!

I am so grateful for each and everyone of YOU! Thank you for allowing me to share both the private and public side of my life. YOU are all the reason why I sign on each day. You remind that I am not ALONE!
Thank you for allowing me to do what I love and always encouraging me along the way.


  1. I would be so sad if you didnt blog... keep it up!!

  2. I agree...even when thoughts of quitting entirely start to creep in, I remember all the great connections I've made through blogging and remind myself that's it not about the number of posts, or frequency of them but rather the relationships we've made!

    Glad you're blogging and even more thankful we've been able to get to know each other!

    Hope you and Landyn are able to avoid the stomach bug that seems to be going around!


  3. I think the same thing ALOT!!! I get bummed out when nobody comments or stops by and then I start thinking, why am I even doing this? But then I remember all the wonderful friends and support and inspiration I find here. ANd you are one of them:) Please don't leave me:)

  4. As soon as I started reading this post I thought " Oh NO Lindsay is going to stop blogging!!" And then " Oh thank goodness, she's not" so pretty please dont stop. Kay?

  5. I relate oh so much to this post!! I need you and your blog in my life!! = )

  6. great post! I don't even know why I started blogging a year ago...but I am glas I did! Its fun, a creative outlet for me and the blogger connections are amazing!! Keep on blogging!:)

  7. Happy to be following you, Lindsay!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  8. It's a funny thing about blogging. I often question myself, why am I blogging and I come to the same conclusion that you have. How could I not?


  9. Lee La La makes me smile!

  10. If you weren't blogging, I wouldn't have met you, read your amazing thoughts, seen your crazy DIY genius and visited your shop! (Which I am seriously looking at purchasing something-- just have to decide WHAT)

    Love your blog lady!

  11. I love your blog :) so fun and inspiring! I want to have more followers and readers... want people to look forward to reading what I have to say, just as I do yours :)

  12. your blog is one of my favs--you are so cute and cretive! but i totally relate to this post:)

  13. I love your blog Lindsay! And am so glad to have found you! Hugs friend!

  14. I like Everyday Keepsakes on FB.
