February 1, 2011

Things I've learned about friendship

 My friends are some of the most special people in my life.

Top 2 things you've learned about friendship

1. Make new friends, but keep the old. 
Over the years, people have come in and out of my life, through the ups and downs {a candid post in the works}, and I've learned to cherish the old. I have two best friends specifically, that I met my freshman year of High School. Thats 14 years, WOW, we are old! Both are complete opposites of each other but bring me such joy in their own individual way. Life has us all in different states right now, but we always can pick up right where we left off. 

{Heather and I at her baby shower in November}

{Alle, Me, and Landyn this past Christmas}

2. Forgiveness. No one is perfect all of the time. 

Just for fun I leave you with Pictures of my favorite girls circa alongtimeago. I am going to loose best friend status after posting these. They are awkward and hilarious! P.S. We went to an all girls Catholic High School hence the sweet uniforms. 

Heather and I {i'm wearing pooka shells and vans, yes}

Alle and I modeling on the lawn during lunch

Heather and I at junior prom

sweet 16 swim party!

I love you girls! Here's to many more memories together!


  1. Oh Lindz....I love you too....so sad that I am gone once again and we did not get to see each other right before I left. But hopefully you are coming out to spring training and we can have a girl weekend!

    Miss you tons already and PS you may have a lot to do with us relocating back to LA;) Keep your eyes out for some houses.

  2. Love seeing the old pics of you Lindsay. How fun:)

  3. Aww. I love this post and look how cute you are ...

  4. super cute post! I agree I live far away from my BEST FRIENDS but my old friends are truly the best. That doesn't mean I don't love making new friends and meeting new people. There just is something special about a friendship you have had for 32 years or 16 years etc..stop by today for a cute giveaway for your little girlie! thecoolkidsblog.com

  5. loving the old school pics!! Too cute!!

  6. That's so great! True friends are hard to come by. =)

  7. Love the throw back!! We've been through so much you aren't just a best friend, u are a sister. I love you so much. I know our adventures will continue til we are a hundred years old!! Wish we were closer but at least we are just a phone call away. Love u and I love seein each new Chapter(especially Landyn :))

  8. Gotta love catholic school uniforms. (I got to wear them all twelve years of school! Ugh!)

    You are lucky to have had the same friends for so long! I don't have that but always have wished that I did.

  9. loving the old school pics! You are so cute :)

  10. love this. there really is nothing like great friends~ cute picts too!

  11. Aw, there's nothing like your best girlfriends, both new and old!
