February 22, 2011

Remember When?

via here

Remember when...

We carried pictures in our wallet?

We would tell people to page us?

{and then have to find a pay phone to return their call}

You weren't cool unless you wore a scrunchy in your pony tail,

We used Thomas Guides/Road Maps

slap bracelets were THE accessory

Friday nights involved watching TGIF
and Saturday morning cartoons

walkmans...say no more!

Ace of Base "The Sign"

 "scaning" ALL our photos onto our computer


Lunch tickets in Elementary School

Red Rover and Hula Hoop

Now and Laters and Fun Dip

Brand Spakin New White Keds

When around the corner seemed SO far

The ice cream man would come jingling down the street

hide and seek at dusk.

Sometimes I think back at what my childhood meant to me, and how Landyn's world will be SO different. What comes to mind when you go back?


  1. I think about that a lot...how Manuel and Mia will never know what life was like without cell phones, laptops, etc. It's crazy! I mean I know that same thing happened to our parents and they would think, "Our children will never know what its like to have a black and white TV", etc. but when it's your own children, it's different :)

    I LOVE TGIF! :)

  2. Here's what I think of Party lines, one phone company Ma Bell, no cable TV, going bike riding without a helmet, walking a mile to and from school.
    Thanks for the trip. Have a great day.

  3. Gah....Oh my...Keds, I lived in them for years with my rolled bottom jeans. When I got my first pager I thought I was really something. LOVE THIS POST!!!!!

  4. OMG yes haha TOTALLY! TGIF oh man how I looked so forward to that every week... and the keds.... Channing just got some majorly sparkly shoes from her Grandmother and I just laughed when I saw they were keds... what keds aren't just white anymore? I also used to splatter paint my keds... now that was cool!

  5. That was fun...I go so far back I don't think I can remember anything...Here are a few.
    Home before the street lights come on. The Helms Bakery Man, Getting my own phone in my room. It was pink. The Brady Bunch. Smartys
    David Casidy-I think I love. The Golden Arches. Training Wheels.

  6. Love it!! The word walkman cracks me up! I miss my ghetto blaster! ha.ha. We called our white keds..buddies, not sure why?!! maybe b/c we couldn't afford keds. LOL.

    stop by for a fun giveaway! thecoolkidsblog.com

  7. Hey The Sign is STILL cool. ha. Maybe I'm a little young for walkmans? Or maybe it's because I lived in Sweden through most of Elem. school but I do remember walking around with my little portable cd player w earphones and taking it on the track bus the CD's would always skip! So annoying.

  8. Great stuff! Brings back lots of memories!

  9. Great post! I think about that a lot too. I don't have kids yet, but I think about when I do how much different it will be. We loved TGIF on Friday nights and Saturday morning cartoons! I remember when riding my bike around my neighborhood was the best thing in the world! Slap bracelets, lucky rabbit's feet, and ked's were a must! Things seemed so much simpler when we were kids, and that wasn't that long ago, really.

  10. I heard The Sign on the radio a few days ago (on an old school station) and I was totally jammin! Ha ha. And I totally remember pager code too-- you chose an AWFUL picture ;) Some people had some majorly blinged out pagers with pretty lights and stuff.


  11. I had the keds and K-swiss! Watch out!! Loved fun dip.. just not that stick when all the dip was gone!! I hated Red Rover.. Because I was a scrawny kid and everyone always tried to "break" through me :(

  12. Ohh, how I miss the white keds! And jellies, oh I lived in them!

  13. i love it! so many of what you mentioned is taking me back! slap bracelets and watching tgif on fridays! i will still rock some keds:) ps--we are headed to cali next Tues! the kiddos are so excited for disneyland:)

  14. oh how I love this post:) So many fun memories! Slap bracelets were the coolest! It is true how our children's lives will be such a different experience than ours!

  15. haha aww I love this!

    Sidenote: slap bracelets are back in style for kids! It's so weird to see styles coming back...must mean we're getting old ;)

  16. Wow, a lot of these were definitely part of my childhood too!! Gosh, so many things "bring me back..." especially certain smells, oddly enough. Sweet post Lindsay. :)

  17. Oh my gosh! I haven't thought of some of those things in so long. Ace of Base and slap on bracelets! LOL
    Hope you had a great day girl!

  18. Love this post! I just had this talk with my kiddos yesterday about how they didn't know what a phonebook was!

    Great Post!

  19. This post made me giggle, because I remember EVERY ONE OF THEM. So funny. I remember when my craft was making and sewing new scrunchies. hahaha

  20. Thanks for taking me back down memory lane... (= I was just talking to my son last night about walkmans. We have come so far! (=

  21. OMG - totally dig this post!

    You know what I think of? Saturday morning Smurfs ... riding in the front seat w/o a seatbelt (thank Gawd the law is there now) and Johnny Depp in 21 Jump Street!


  22. Ha ha! Love these - slap bracelets, white keds, TGIF . . . blast from the past! So funny :)

    Don't forget braided friendship bracelets, NKOTB and chinese jump rope.

    PS - I'm a new follower from The Girl Creative blog hop :)

  23. Oh my goodness, I loved slap bracelets!;D

    ***** Marie *****

  24. Love it, I think you described all of my favorite things about my youth in there.

  25. Love it, I think you described all of my favorite things about my youth in there.
