February 4, 2011

Mommy Hood

{3 weeks old}

Where has the time gone? My sweet babe is 18 months old tomorrow. I've spent a good majority of yesterday sifting through old pictures and videos and couldn't help but get tears. 

Motherhood is the craziest thing. The love you have for that little life is something you can never begin to fathom until you are a momma yourself.

Each day is a new adventure with it's own set of challenges. The fears you once had, make way for new fears. You want to show them the world but want to protect them from it as well. 

As I enjoy THIS stage of my sweet girl's life, I pray for wisdom and strength to guide me. 

It's funny how you spend most of your adolescence worrying about your career choice and what path to take. And then one day you are a Momma and everything else becomes obsolete. Life FINALLY makes sense.

THIS Job is what I've been called to do. By far the hardest, yet most rewarding job of them all. 


  1. Dear Lindsay,

    Now your baby is 18 months, and sooner she'll be a teenager... you won't believe how soon it will be...but that's how it's going...just enjoy every single moment!

  2. Such a sweet post and such true words! Enjoy every stage, it all goes way too fast.

  3. Agreed.I look at my little Milton and just cry sometimes because I so wish I could freeze time. And yes I spent 7 years changing degrees a million times and finally became a nurse. I was so proud and so excited and once I had Milton it all seemed like nonsence. Now, I wish I could stay at home forever with my beautiful babies

  4. Lindsay, that is such a precious picture. It goes by so quickly. It seems like yesterday when my girls were babies and now they are 4 and 5.

  5. Just stumbled across your blog and love it! Love your banner - so adorable!!


  6. That picture is breathtaking Linds!! Beautiful post! :)

  7. I nominated you for the stylish blogger award:

  8. It is crazy how being a mom changes your whole world and your outlook on life. Babies are precious! So glad you are enjoying this time of your life with your sweet family! Hugs girl!

  9. sweet post! My baby girl will be 5 in March. Not sure where the time went. My son is 19 months and I LOVE this stage. So fun! thecoolkidsblog.com

  10. What an absolutely fabulous post. I couldn't have said it better.

  11. It's funny how time flies. I can't imagine how fast it goes with having little ones! Sweet post :)

  12. loved this~ time does fly, and they grow right before your eyes! you are such a fabulous mom!

  13. Motherhood is the most beautiful vocation. I think most women are called to it in one form or another.
    Beautiful post Ash!

  14. What a cute photo! It makes me want a baby now! :O

  15. aaah such a cute picture!


  16. Aww! I cannot wait to experience that love for myself!

    Such a wonderful picture!

  17. Being a mother has been one of the most worthwhile experiences in my life - no matter how bad things can get with crying babies or lack of sleep it's always SOOOO worth it! I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!

  18. Awww, I'm so happy for you! This is so sweet! I look forward to the day when Joe and I have kids :) I'm excited for that time in our lives.


  19. Thank you for your sweet comment. And I adore sew chatty:) ELizabeth is so lovely but I didn't want to hi jack your giveaway comments so I'm commenting here again! Glad you had a nice weekend Lindsay!!!!

  20. Beautiful! Just perfect!
    Beautiful photo! What a great capture you have for you and her to always treasure.

  21. www.thegeogheganfamily.blogspot.comMarch 4, 2011 at 4:25 AM

    I just found your blog through LMM and I have to tell you how much I love this post! I completely agree that life just makes sense once you become a mommy! :) Excited to follow you! Your little girl is too cute...I have a little boy who is 20 months so they are pretty close in age.
