January 18, 2011

"You are my Sunshine"

Ever since Landyn was a newborn, our bed time ritual has been very similar. Each night as I rock her to sleep, I sing her "You are my sunshine". This has become "our" song. I cherish these little moments in my baby girls life. 

"You are my Sunshine"
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.
You make me happy when skies are grey.
You'll never know dear, how much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.

Momma's, do you have any special songs you share with your little loves?


  1. Awww so sweet! We have song we made up and it used to make her stop crying, we called it Miss Madison :) Haha, we had everyone in the family singing it!

  2. She is sooo adorable lindsay!

  3. First of Landyn is beautiful! I have always sang Hush little baby (Carson). It would calm him down when he was a baby, so it just stuck! Ans I still rock my almost two year old to sleep every night!

  4. I sing the song that my Grannie sang to my mother and my mother sang to me (my Grannie sang it to me, too) - it isn't a popular song and I don't even know the name...

    It's very sweet, though - starts off...

    A tiny turned up nose,
    Two cheeks just like a rose,
    Two eyes that shine so bright,
    Two lips that kiss goodnight.

    No one will ever know,
    Just what your coming has meant,
    Because I love you so,
    You're something Heaven has sent...

    I won't write out the rest - and I think we've modified the words over the generations anyway!! But I sing it to both my children.

  5. Oh my gosh! Love her. It goes by in a blink of an eye! I use to sing too but, now it's Dr. Suess books, EVERY NIGHT!! Your hubs should videotape it so you have that image forever!! Happy Tuesday Sweetness!! Call me when your free. Hugs.

  6. How sweet! I love the precious pictures of Landyn!

  7. I ALWAYS sing "I see the moon the moon sees me, down through the leaves of the old oak tree, please let the light that shines on me... shine on the Channing I love. Over the mountains and over the sea thats where my heart is longing to be, please let the light that shines on me shine on the Channing I Love."

  8. she is adorable! thecoolkidsblog.com

  9. That's the song I always sing to Emma too. If I sing another one, she says "No, Mama...Sunshine!" :)

  10. Oh my gosh she is BEAUTIFUL. Those EYES! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.

  11. While reading your post, I immediately thought of one of my favorites on Etsy. You'll love this. http://www.etsy.com/listing/61784550/you-are-my-sunshine-rustic-wooden-sign?ga_search_query=sunshine&ga_search_type=user_shop_ttt_id_5611598

  12. She is beautiful! That is "my" song with Manuel too! I've sung that to him ever since he was in my belly! :) As for Mia, it's a song I made up one day :)

    Have a great week! :)

  13. Love it! We sing a lot of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Hush Little Baby.... mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird". Though I never know the words to that last song; so she gets a lot a lot of miscellaneous - mama's gonna buy you a frying pan/ipod/car brakes.

  14. So sweet. I love holding my boy and singing to him...he is getting a little to heavy now with my belly so its time for the next baby! ha ha!
    Right now he requests ABC and Thomas songs every night:)

  15. Look at her... what a doll!! The sound is perfect for this post! :-)

    Happy Tuesday Darling! xo

    Oh, and stop by my blog and sign up for the swimsuit GIVEAWAY!

  16. Cute! I sing to Milton a lot but it seems to change as he grows. Right now he really like Baby Beluga about the little white whale:) P.S. No baby yet!

  17. that is darling! and she is such a beauty~

  18. OH my gosh Linds! She is gorgeous! Love those sweet cheeks! I have a framed print of that song in my living room. =)

  19. How Precious! Enjoy, they grow up way to fast!

