December 5, 2010

q&a answers part III

I'm back with my part III and the last part to my q&a series. This has been so fun letting you know more about ME. Thanks to all who joined in!

Sharstin asks "What is your favorite book"?
I am not much of a reader, is that bad? For the past two years the books that haven't left my bedside table are "What to expect when you are expecting" and "What to expect the First Year". Raw and to the point but so brutally honest. I swear by them! Must have gift for a new momma!

Lee asks "Where do you draw inspiration from for your projects like your wrap bracelets"?
This question is very similar to the first one I answered here, but for my creations specifically, I just go with what I would like. I love browsing fashion magazines and drawing inspiration that way too. I call it my "research".

my handsome

Val asks "Where did you meet your hubby and what are your dreams for the future"?
Believe it or not, my hubby and I were neighbors. Chris grew up about an hour and a half away so his company would put the commuters up in an apartment during the week. My sister and I happened to live upstairs! We were FRIENDS for the first 6 months or so and he helped me through the loss of a friend. His compassion for others and gentle spirit captured me. The rest is history.
As for my dreams, I hope to add to my little family and TRAVEL. I know that sounds nuts with babies but I hope to sneak away to Europe with my hubby at some point. I'd love to take my kiddies with me too though for the culture.

via here

Jesse asks "What is your favorite thing about living in California"? "And if you could live anywhere else where would it be"?
I joke with myself because I am the epitome of a California girl. Blondie hair and all. I've been born and raised within a 15 mile radius (way to branch out LINDSAY), so truly I know nothing different. One thing I love more than anything though is the beach.  I live 15 minutes from Malibu and nothing makes me happier than a summer day at the beach. It rejuvenates me. Pre baby, NYC was my dream place to live. That place is magical. My hubby and I are heading there right after Christmas to spend New Years in times square and I can hardly wait. Chris has never been and I can't wait to show him the city. For now I am so content where we live. A part of me would love to try out some time in the beautiful midwest though. You midwesterners know how to live! ;)

Renae asks " I just love all the girlie things you make, however do you think your inspiration would be different if Landyn so happened to be a boy? Would you have wanted to make more things for little boys... I really can't put a flower hat/headband on my lil boy :) Everything you create is so beautiful".
This is another great question. You know I have had multiple requests for boy items so this is definetly in the works. I am so girly at heart so it's hard for me to picture even being a "boy" momma. I am sure I would come up with something though! Landyn has absolutely been my inspiration behind Lee La La though. 

THANK YOU ALL for playing along with me! If you missed any part of my q&a series here are the previous posts. 

Come by tomorrow for the beginning of a week long Christmas series. We will have decorating, DIY, gift ideas, traditions, etc. Happy Sunday!


  1. Your q&as have been so much fun!

  2. Love this Q&A! What a great story about you and your hubby!
    Hugs girl! Hope you have had a great weekend!

  3. Loove it. And so jealous about NYC- I've never been! Make sure you take Lots of pictures to share!

  4. i love the story of you and hubs! it is so fun that you are doing these q&a's! i love reading all this fun stuff about you chick! ooh and I aDoRe NYC--it really is magical:)

  5. Great stuff. Sounds like you and your hubs were meant to me from day one. I LOVE IT. Made me all warm inside.

  6. Fun to learn a little more about you! :)


  7. The story of how you met your husband is SO sweet, Lindsay! It's so fun to hear love stories like yours that were obviously meant to be. :)


  8. These are some of my favotire posts, as I learn so much about the bloggers I love! Thanks!

  9. So fun learning more about you! Neat story about how you met the Hubs! Small world isn't it?!

    Now every time I hear any song about Cali, I'm going to think of you!

    Hope your week is off to a great start!
