December 16, 2010

Day 8: DIY Hand Print Ornaments


I started a new tradition with Landyn this year. Each year, the Friday after Thanksgiving we would have a mommy/daughter craft day and make "hand print" ornaments. I think it will be so fun to see how much she's grown over the years. So today I wanted to share with you a DIY tutorial of hand print ornaments you to can do with your little ones. Enjoy!

4 cups of flour 
1 cup salt
1 1/2 cups of water
rolling pin
butter knife
cookie sheet
Clear polyurethane spray
ribbon or twine

1. Preheat your oven to 325 degrees

2. Mix your dough: 4 c flour, 1 1/2 c water, 1 c salt. Stir well until reaches a workable consistency.

3. roll your dough about 1/2 inch think with a rolling pin

4. Place your little hand directly into the dough to create an imprint

5. Using a butter knife, cut around the prints. Remove and place onto a cookie sheet **note, the dough might stick to the surface beneath it so you can gently slide butter knife under to help lift your prints**

6. using a skewer, poke a small hole into the top.

7. Bake at 325 degrees for 25 minutes

6. Allow to cool completely before decorating. Use paints, glitter, etc to jazz them up! Finish off with a coat of clear polyurethane spray to preserve them. 

7. String your ornaments with string or twine. Hang on the Christmas tree for years to come!!

Happy Crafting!


  1. That is adorable! We are going to try this, at Grandma's house cause it looks a little messy, ha!

  2. This is sooo precious. I will do this when I have my baby!

  3. Lindsay, This DIY is BRILLIANT!!! I will be doing this with Ave this weekend. I love........

  4. love this! I wonder if I can get my almost 4 month old to cooperate? haha

  5. love that idea! and it turned out so cute!

  6. Cuteness! I would love to do a ton of crafty things if I had the time BOOO!

  7. This is an awesome idea! They are so beautiful too :)

  8. Awwwwwww, I totally need to do this for the hubs for Christmas! Thanks!

  9. What a fabulous tradition! That looks great! You will love looking back at all of them when she grows up :)

  10. Love this! I'm gonna do this this weekend with the twins! XOXO

  11. so cute! wish i had a chance to steal my goddaughter for a few hours to do this with her before christmas! maybe next year :)

  12. This is really cute! I am afraid to try it though. I think my little Milton would make a mess of it before I could even stick his chubby little hand in there:)

  13. These are so sweet! Love them! And how fun to see how much she has grown each year!

  14. This is great! I need to try this for Baby W this year!

  15. What a sweet little craft! I'll definitely have to do this when we have a little one someday :-)

  16. Lindsay these are sooo sweet!!
    What a cute project.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend before Christmas!

  17. So cute! I bought a kit to do this but I could've just made it from scratch! Who knew?! Thanks!
