November 3, 2010

MY, how life has changed

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This post is dedicated to all my mommy's out there. Mommy or not, ALL you gals are special. I just want to let you in on MY side. Mommy hood. 

I was chatting with an old friend of mine the other day. What were we talking about you ask?

Motherhood of course. 

Never in a million years did I think our "girl bathroom trips" would soon be "pumping" breaks at the Rascal Flats concert or gushing over that cute boy in Business 101 would soon lead to comparing percentiles and sleeping habits. Yes, that is life as we know it. Have you ever heard someone say "Enjoy this time with your kids, because it goes by SO fast"? 99 out of 100 says you HAVE! The grocer, banker, gas station attendant, just about EVERY ONE has their two cents. Who would of thought....

Perfect makeup and straightened hair is a thing of the past. These days I see bags under my eyes and boogers on my clothes. But just when I am contemplating that I have the WORST job ever and kids were created by God to torture unsuspecting Moms, my little Landyn gives me a great big hug and kiss. I am in love, and wouldn't trade this for the world. 

I know these first few years are crucial, therefore I try to give Landyn 110%. The house may not be perfect, dinner may consist of Trader Joe's pre made, and laundry piled high, but as long as my babe is taken care of, my job is done! (I tell myself this 10 times a day, but somehow it hasn't been made clear). 

Thanks for listening to me vent. It just amazes me how times change, as does your perspective. Do any of you Momma's out there feel this way? Tell me I am not alone?


  1. Aww, what a sweet post! Brought tears to my eyes!

  2. Thank you for the reminder! I needed it! Mommyhood is a tough job, but I wouldn't trade it for anything! :)

    Landyn is lucky to have you as her mommy! :)

  3. I love this post!

    I feel the same way!!! So you are not alone at all :)

  4. You are definitely not alone. I have traded pencil skirts and team meetings for nursing tanks and a baby jogger. Sometimes this whole mommy business is really hard (like today when we are cooped up inside with laundry piling up on every piece of furniture). But I would not trade it for the world. I love chubby hands wrapped around my finger, cheerios everywhere, and the sounds of pitter-pattering feet.

  5. I feel the same. We sacrifice so much as women. I sometimes feel like I have lost my true identity. Who am I? What are me goals? But, at the end of the day there is no place I'd rather be than with my kids. There is nothing more important to me than being a mom and being 100 percent there for them. You are the best!!! HUGS.

  6. What a sweet post! Motherhood is a hard job, but so rewarding! It takes a very unselfish person to be a Mom. Cheers to MOM's!
    Have a beautiful day!

    Love, Brenda

  7. This is such a sweet post. Even though I don't have children yet, I can only imagine how much things will change when I do. And I can't wait for that! You're such a good mom, Lindsay. Landyn is a lucky little girl.


  8. Seriously loved this post! So heartfelt and SOOOO TRUE! Nothing can prepare you for motherhood. It's the best and hardest job around but also the most rewarding! Bless ya, friend!

  9. It is so true that the times goes by sooo fast. I used have spit up parfume too. And now mine are 4 and 5. One day the house gets put back together and "me time" comes. And I know I will be sad when mine are gone. I think you are right on to soak it all up!

  10. I love your comparisons of bathroom trips to pumping breaks. You are a wonderful mom and I can't wait to have these same stories to tell.

  11. This brought tears to my eyes! Motherhood sure does change you, huh? I had my son when I was 20 (he's 5 now) and one day I was hanging out with my sorority sisters, the next, breastfeeding a newborn at 2:00 in the morning. Crazy how much it changes your life! This was such a sweet post and you're right, your perspective changes ten-fold when you become a mommy.

  12. I just have to say that I LOVE the part about the boogers!!!! There isn't a day that went by when my guys were little that I didn't have boogers on my clothes...and if I didn't, it only took 3.5 seconds to get a new one there!!! Oh the the life of a's awesome!

  13. I am not a mommy, but this post has only increased my excitement to become one:)

  14. Aw, I am looking forward to all those things you just described!

    Oh, and Landyn was the cutest butterfly EVER!! Love her costume!

  15. Preach it sister!

    I sort of had the same thought today as I threw my hand and one of favorite tops under Timothys mouth to catch spit up so he wouldn't get it on him. I then laughed and thought, "who would of thought I would ever do that!"

    And Trader Joes is great way to go for dinner! Or I keep telling myself that! :)

  16. i love this post, and i totally agree! motherhood is definitely life changing, and being a mom is one of the toughest jobs out there--- but also the most rewarding! there is nothing like that time spent with your kiddos--because it flies by, and you can never get it back! we have to cherish all these little moments! you are such a fabulous mom girly!!

  17. So so true! My crumb has taught me the importance of 'letting go' ~ and mostly, she has taught me the greatest lesson of all: love is truly the most incredible gift on Earth!

  18. You are not alone...such a sweet and tender post. I've posted something similar and exciting for me on my blog too!

    So glad I stumbled across your blog :)

  19. You are such a sweet mama! I completely agree, even when I think I need a break, I spend that whole time away missing my babies and wishing they were with me. Time does go too fast! We have kiddos with birthday in just over a week! sort of with I could freeze them for a bit. =)
