October 6, 2010

Photo of the Day

I LOVE this photo.

Well, because Julie Bowen is gorgeous and well put together, but also that she has a clean house and still plays mom! AND she is wearing heels. I'm green with envy...

As a mom living in todays society, the pressure is constantly ON. I find myself daily, trying to have the perfect outfit, hair, makeup, clean house, laundry done, fridge stocked, meals cooked, boo boo's kissed, kid (singular) bathed, and still have time for myself and my marriage.

It's called perfection.

But yet, I wouldn't change a minute of it.

Does anyone else ever feel this way? Please tell me I am not alone here...


  1. No, you are definitely not alone!!! It is SUCH a hard balance, but like you, I wouldn't trade it for all the money in the world (well, maybe! ;) Just kidding!)

    I've tried to lessen my desire for perfection because it is unattainable! I consider it a successful day when we are all bathed, fed, and snuggled! :) The perfect outfit, hair, laundry, clean house, etc. that can wait! :) (although I don't let it wait for too long because then my OCD kicks in! :)

  2. okay lindsey - i don't know how you do it! i honestly watched my goddaughter for a day... one day.. and i thought - well i'll go out looking cute - cute outfit - went to meet my boyfriend out for lunch in a very SAHM community [not in a negative way - but very much a high end community in the columbus area] trying to look cute in a nice little outfit, wedges, the 9 yards - and before i even got molly out of the car i was sweating... its not easy! i can't imagine doing it everyday! and i'm pretty sure that Julie Bowen is not normal - but i think we all envy her!

  3. I don't even have kids and I constantly feel the pressure of having a perfect life, dinner on the table, laundry done and put away, perfectly groomed and well-dressed, all while working full-time.

    I totally respect the Moms of the world. Someday I'll join you all.

  4. I don't have kids yet, but know having a full family will be the joy of my life! LOVE modern family with Julie ;)

  5. She looks gorgeous and I love the outfit! I'm not even a mom and I feel the pressure to constantly have everything perfect, I can't even imagine how it all gets done when you have kids. I'm impressed by you and all the other moms that keep it all together! I'll have to ask you for some tips when I start having kids.


  6. I certainly feel that pressure to have perfection. If I let it get to me too bad, it will drive me crazy. I think it's all about priorities. Yes, it would be nice to have the house perfectly cleaned, the kids bathed, and be dressed beautifully too, but sometimes you have to know your limits. There are some days when I've had hardly any sleep and I tell myself it's just a survival day, meaning I only have to meet our basic needs for survival and the rest can wait.

    Oh, and Julie Bowen probably has a maid :)

  7. I always feel the pressure! It drives me crazy that I care what other people think! Ugh. I like to think that I can do a lot but I can never do it all. I just try and be the best me that I can. I think you are amazing. Going to Boston tonight for a week. When I get back you and the family are all invited for din din. = )

  8. Not alone. I totally understand. I feel the same way. Not only am I always striving for perfection and trying to prove myself as a momma and wife and make it all work perfectly... I am also a working momma and balancing life can be tough. But I am with you. I wouldnt change a thing and I am in LOVE with my life!

  9. I can only hope that I will be that "put together" and "perfect" as a mom, but lets face it: that probably wont happen :) But I love that picture too! She is gorgeous!

  10. I am not a mom yet but I can somehow understand how you feel!:D

    My mom has five kids and I've seen that "perfection" is not easy!

    ***** Marie *****

  11. Ha! I was running this morning and this perfectly coiffed mother (keep in mind this was at 7 am!) was putting her little model child in the car, and I was like, are you serious?? LOL! Love your blog just came over from Wild and Precious, happy to be your newest follower!

  12. I put up a FB status update about this the other day and I instantly got SO many responses from other mamas who felt the same way!

  13. Julie Bowen is fabulous. I LOVE her! I'm right there with you though. Most days, I am far from perfect. I usually feel ridiculous when I'm all perfect and NIk is perfect. It feels so manicured and uncomfortable.bc well, it usually is. It takes such great effort to hold all that together, hours juts to get out the door.

    Most days Nik usually is fussed over, and I take the blunt end of the ugly stick, literally. The effort I used to pout into myself, and the money, now goes to NIk. I guess I figure every mom knows that, so so be it. Moms understand. Single people prob don't , but they will one day.

    Sometimes, NIk looks ragged and I look descent like if I run errands after daycare and such, or there are those days where you have to run to the store in a rush, you're cleaning all day and have to run out, or you or the little one are sick, and you both look ragged.

    Keep in mind that that is just a photo, and a staged photo at that. Her life may not be like that. She knew those people were coming to her house if infact that is her house, she was prepared. She probably has a maid and a nanny, and she has hoards of money. It's a nice picture, but it's nto a realistic one. To be honest I like the imperfaction better.

    If my house is a mess or the landry's not done or there's dishes in the sink bc I work and I'm outside after work playing with my daughter in the yard, and she's loving it and laughing and giggling. I'd take that moment over the cleanest most put together house/mom in the world!

    If she is super mom, than so be it. But, I bet your a super mom too. Everything from a different perspective seems better than it really is. She probably thinks everyone else has it together, ha!

    You're fab and beautiful and a great mother. And the best and only mother to your little one, clean house and coiffed ensemble or not.

    Love, a perfectly imperfect imperfect mom.

  14. I am with you girly! but all we can do is our best everyday--and that is all that matters! I think imperfection=character!
    ps--love the photo:)

  15. You are so not alone! I think you are a gorgeous fabulous mom!

  16. I have mellowed through out the years... I have to remind myself it's o.k. if everything isn't always perfect... it's better to just have fun, enjoy life and do the best we can! Adorable blog!

    p.s. I am having an Anthropologie giveaway if it interests you! xo

  17. Oh yeah, I'm with you sister. After twins thought I kind of gave up on the house clean, all the time thing. Just too hard with 3 kids going back behind me throwing things in the floor. Hugs to you, I know your one fab mama!

  18. Oh my gosh YES! I feel the same way every day! Plus, my downside, is I'm a total neat freak. Which you would think is a good thing, but I can't help but clean lol so by the end of the day you would think I ran a marathon, I'm SO tired. I haven't worn heels in months and back then I only wore them because I had a job. I WISH there was such a thing as perfection, but then.. we would all be really boring!

  19. That's a killer outfit there!

    And I got my scarf today! It was great! Thanks!!
