September 28, 2010

Top 2 Tuesday

I am linking up with Taylor for top 2 tuesday. Today's topic is top 2 favorite songs...

1. Incubus "Dig" You heard it here first. I am 100% girly girl but I have a special place in my heart for this local band now known to the world as Incubus. I share a few special memories over Incubus lyrics and concerts.

2. Toby Keith "Whiskey Girl". A completely different side of the spectrum. I am random like that. As mentioned here, I am a lover of country music and Toby Keith. I can blast this on the car radio and be instantly at ease.

Go stop by Taylor's blog to play along. If you haven't been over to her blog yet, do stop by. She's a daily must read and adorable momma! Hope you are all having a great start to your week.

I also decided to join in on the tuesday tag along. This is a link up kind of day! Welcome my friends!

Tuesday Tag-Along


  1. Never heard of these songs but thanks for posting, I will check these out!:D

    Happy Tuesday!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  2. I LOVE country music too! :) Toby Keith is a fav of mine. I'd love to see him concert because I imagine that he puts on a GREAT show!

    And thank you again for always stopping by and being so sweet! :)

  3. Oh man I have some good/not so lucid memories of an Incubus concert form Jr. year in high school...oh Brandon Boyd..

  4. I love Toby Keith! Whiskey Girl is a great song!

  5. Incubus is one of my all-time faves! Love all of their songs, too! : )

  6. Hi! I'm your newest follower from the blog hop! Lovely blog:) You can find me at

  7. I actually haven't heard either of these, but I'm going to check them out next time I'm on itunes. I've been really into country music lately and I'm sure I'd love the Toby Keith song. Thanks, Lindsay!


  8. Hi..I’m Barb..From TT...I am your newest follower. I saw that you visited my blog but did not become a follower..I hope you will follow me as well. I also would love for you to be a new Fan of my Facebook page too & click “LIKE” in the upper right hand corner of my blog & you’ve done it..Thanks so much! I am just starting at Facebook. Nice to meet ya new friend!!!

  9. Thanks for following me:) I am following back! I too am a HUGE Country Music Fan!

  10. Hi !
    I'm your new follower from TTA
    Hope a visit from you :)

    Citra @ innocentia

  11. I am your newest follower! I LOVE your BLOG!! Thanks for following me, too. =)

  12. Hi! I'm your newest follower on Top 2!

    Kristin :)
    Keenly Kristin

  13. I love all kinds of music too! Depends on the mood I guess.
